Where to Hire Competent Dental Staff

One of the biggest challenges dental offices face is hiring competent staff. Here is a list of effective places to start:

Online Job Boards: Websites like Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor are popular online platforms where you can post job listings for dental positions. These platforms allow you to reach a wide audience of job seekers and often have filters that help you find candidates with specific qualifications and experience. These are also industry-specific job boards such as DentalPost that cater to dental professionals.

  • Indeed: www.indeed.com
    Indeed is a popular job board that attracts a vast number of job seekers from various industries, including the dental field.

  • LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com
    LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that allows you to post job openings and connect with dental professionals actively seeking employment.

  • Glassdoor: www.glassdoor.com
    Glassdoor offers job listings and company reviews, making it an attractive platform for job seekers looking for insights into potential employers.

  • DentalPost: www.dentalpost.net
    DentalPost is a dedicated job board specifically for dental professionals, where you can post job openings and search for candidates based on various criteria.

  • Dental Jobs Canada: www.dentaljobscanada.ca
    Dental Jobs Canada is a job board focused on dental job opportunities in Canada.

  • Dental Jobs Near Me: www.dentaljobsnearme.com
    Dental Jobs Near Me is a platform that connects dental employers with job seekers looking for positions in their local area.

  • DentalWorkers.com: www.dentalworkers.com
    DentalWorkers.com is another specialized dental job board where you can post listings and search for qualified candidates.

  • Dental Hygienist Jobs: www.dentalhygienistjobs.com
    This website specifically focuses on dental hygienist job opportunities.

  • DentalAssistants.org: www.dentalassistants.org
    DentalAssistants.org offers a job board that caters to dental assistant positions.

Dental Association Websites: Many dental associations have job boards on their websites where you can post job listings. These associations include the American Dental Association (ADA), Canadian Dental Association (CDA), and others. These platforms may attract candidates with a particular interest in the dental field.

  • American Dental Association (ADA) CareerCenter: www.ada.org/en/careers
    The ADA’s CareerCenter is a specialized job board for dental professionals, making it an excellent place to find candidates with a specific interest in dentistry.

Dental Schools and Training Institutes: Contact local dental schools and training institutes to inquire about posting job openings on their bulletin boards or career centers. Hiring fresh graduates can be an excellent way to find enthusiastic and motivated entry-level employees.

Networking and Referrals: Leverage your professional network to spread the word about job openings in your dental practice. Current employees, colleagues, or dental peers may know of potential candidates who could be a good fit.

Dental Conferences and Events: Attend dental conferences, seminars, and events where dental professionals gather. These events offer networking opportunities and a chance to meet potential candidates face-to-face.

Social Media: Utilize social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to share job openings. Many job seekers actively use social media to search for employment opportunities.

Local Classifieds and Community Boards: Consider placing advertisements in local newspapers or on community boards. This approach can attract candidates who prefer local job opportunities.

Staffing Agencies: Dental-specific staffing agencies can help you find qualified candidates quickly. They often have a pool of pre-screened professionals looking for dental positions.

Your Practice’s Website: If your dental practice has a website, create a dedicated careers page where you can post job listings and provide information about your practice culture and values.

Employee Referral Programs: Encourage your current employees to refer potential candidates through an employee referral program. Offer incentives or bonuses for successful referrals.

Remember to clearly communicate the job requirements and qualifications in your job listings to attract the right candidates. Additionally, during the interview process, assess not only the candidate’s technical skills but also their compatibility with your practice’s values and culture. Building a strong team is essential for the success and growth of your dental practice.