Starting Cherry

We started Cherry with a simple goal: through technology we can make the people’s everyday life easier. We learned that more and more people everyday are struggling to afford the life that they want to live. We decided to build a financial services company that focuses around building tools that help empower consumers and local businesses. 

As our partnerships grew, we learned that we weren’t just serving the needs of consumers but were actively supporting local communities. These small businesses were able to serve more people in their communities because consumers saw their purchasing power grow by using Cherry. The Cherry team believes that the lifeblood of our economy begins on Main Street and we are proud to stand by society’s true entrepreneurs and local businesses owners.

Traditionally, financial products have been intentionally designed to be overly complex; we believe in the opposite. We promise to strive for transparency and simplicity in the products and services we offer. We are focused on solutions that will allow merchants and consumers to make well informed decisions with their business and finances. 

We acknowledge that we are a young company and have a lot of work to do. However, we’re encouraged by your feedback and you can count on us to continue innovating, so we can keep our promise to make everyday life easier.